Community Questions 

Thanks so much for helping us get to know our community better. It’s really important that we’re doing the right things as a church to serve our community and asking these questions will help us to do just that. 

As ever, remember that you’re a representative of our church so smile, be friendly and be open to talking about life at St Andrew’s if they have any questions. 

Here’s how to start: 

1. Explain who you are and that you’re from St Andrew’s Church & that you’re out asking members of the community a few questions and ask if they’re happy to join in. 

2. The answers they give are anonymous and will be used to make sure that St Andrew’s Church and Together Liverpool are doing the right kind of work in our community.

3. The questions will take about 5 minutes and they get a bar of chocolate in return. 

4. At the end thank them for their time & give them some chocolate! 

Find the questions here.