
We believe JESUS is worth everything we have and so loving Him becomes the purpose of our lives. And so we will eliminate hurry and make time to become aware of Him, listening to his voice, and reading His words. His Spirit brings us to life and we are changed by what we hear.

We want to make sure that prayer is at the centre of everything that we do as a church and so we gather each morning online to pray. We’re also committed to supporting our frontline workers and you in prayer too.

St Andrew’s Prayer

Father God, we pray for St Andrews and the next person who will lead us. As we journey together, increase in us a longing to know You more and a desire to love and care for each other and our community.

By Your grace, may we see more people knowing Jesus and more justice in the world.

Help us to live as Your disciples in the power of the Spirit and to work to Your praise and glory.


Fit for Mission Prayer

Gracious God, as we seek to become FIT for MISSION in our deanery

We pray for a boldness in our vision

Wisdom in our decision making

Compassion in our actions and unity as we work together to meet the needs of your people, now and in the future

In Jesus name we pray,


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